AUSKF Collegiate Kendo Seminar 10/6-8/2023)

The AUSKF National Collegiate Kendo Seminar

October 6-8, 2023 | Stanford University | Palo Alto, California

Sign up for this event here by September 24th:

This is the FIRST EVER event that AUSKF has sponsored specifically for collegiate kendo in the United States, and is open to both AUSKF and non-AUSKF members. Registration to the seminar will include an associate membership to AUSKF for those non-members, allowing them to take part in future AUSKF events as long as their associate membership remains active. This associate membership will also allow students to earn rank recognized by the International Kendo Federation (FIK).

At the conclusion of this seminar on Sunday morning, we will be hosting a shinsa (promotion exam) to provide the opportunity for those unranked members to test for 6kyu - 3kyu. All portions of this event will be led by the AUSKF Competition Committee with support from local instructors:

Additional information about this event:


Friday, October 6th, 2023


Stanford Arrillaga Outdoor Education and Recreation Center (AEORC) - Main Room

285 Santa Teresa St, Stanford, CA 94305

Gym Opens at 4pm, Open Keiko 5pm-7pm, Gym Closes at 8pm

Saturday, October 7, 2023


Stanford AEORC - Main Room

285 Santa Teresa St, Stanford, CA 94305

Gym Opens at 9am, Seminar 9:30am-5pm, Gym Closes at 6pm

Sunday, October 7, 2023


Stanford AEORC - Main Room

285 Santa Teresa St, Stanford, CA 94305

Gym Opens at 9am, Seminar 9:30am-11am


11am-12pm, Gym closes at 1pm

Lunch, Fees, etc.

You can sign up for this event here by September 24th:

We’re very excited to host this event, and hope that it helps to continue the growth of collegiate kendo in the United States. While we've attempted to contact as many collegiate kendo clubs as possible in the United States, please forward this email on to any clubs or individuals that you think might not have gotten this email.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to