2024 AUSKF Spring Promotion Exam Results
Here is the lsit of people who passed the exam on 4/14/2024 in Houston
5 Dan: Tiarnan Marsten (PNKF - Pacific Northwest Kendo Federation)
5 Dan: Mi Hill (MWKF - Midwest Kendo Federation)
5 Dan: Andre Hasche (GNEUSKF - Greater Northeastern United States Kendo Federation)
5 Dan: Jaered Croes (PNKF - Pacific Northwest Kendo Federation)
5 Dan: Noemi Arnal Villalba (SWKIF - Southwest Kendo and Iaido Federation)
5 Dan: Clif Ruch (SEUSKF - Southeastern United States Kendo Federation)
5 Dan: Ethan Waln (PNKF - Pacific Northwest Kendo Federation)
5 Dan: Hwan-Gi Lee (SEUSKF - Southeastern United States Kendo Federation)
5 Dan: Joyce Hwang (WKF - Western Kendo Federation)
5 Dan: Han Lee (AEUSKF - All Eastern United States Kendo Federation)
5 Dan: joung lee (GNEUSKF - Greater Northeastern United States Kendo Federation)
5 Dan: Rinji Sugino (NCKF - Northern California Kendo Federation)
5 Dan: Won Yoon (SEUSKF - Southeastern United States Kendo Federation)
6 Dan: Travis Hill (MWKF - Midwest Kendo Federation)
6 Dan: Chiaki Tamura (SEUSKF - Southeastern United States Kendo Federation)
6 Dan: Timothy Rasmusson (AEUSKF - All Eastern United States Kendo Federation)
6 Dan: Yoshijiro Kariya (SCKF - Southern California Kendo Federation)
6 Dan: Yoichiro Tsunoda (SCKO - Southern California Kendo Organization)
6 Dan: Hoon Chang (AEUSKF - All Eastern United States Kendo Federation)
6 Dan: David Cooper (SWKIF - Southwest Kendo and Iaido Federation)
6 Dan: Hidemi Saito (MWKF - Midwest Kendo Federation)
7 Dan: Masahiro Imafuji (ECUSKF - East Central U.S. Kendo Federation)
Renshi : Hyun Kim (AEUSKF - All Eastern United States Kendo Federation)
Renshi : MICHAEL JAO (NCKF - Northern California Kendo Federation)
Renshi : Paul Shin (GNEUSKF - Greater Northeastern United States Kendo Federation)
Renshi : STEVE LEE (WKF - Western Kendo Federation)
Renshi : Robert Cochran (MWKF - Midwest Kendo Federation)
Kyoshi : Katsuyuki Tamura (SEUSKF - Southeastern United States Kendo Federation)