Instructions on how to take exam in Japan for AUSKF Members
RE: High rank (6-8 Dan) and Shogo testing in Japan.
Dear all,
For those interested in testing in Japan for high rank (6, 7, and 8 dan in Kendo, Iaido, Jodo) and Shogo (Renshi, Kyoshi), please see the link below calendar of events from AJKF.
Please pay particular attention to the AJKF deadline for application. We need to receive all applications and payments ($100 payable to AUSKF as processing fee to test outside USA) 14 days before their deadline. Please carefully check the deadline by AJKF on the link above.
To apply for test outside of the USA, please use the AUSKF registration form.
Those testing for up to 5 dan in Japan, they are conducted by regional federations, and AUSKF Promotion will NOT be submitting application to them. Each applicant is responsible for finding out the schedule, location, date, application forms, submitting the application, fees, etc. They will still need to submit application to AUSKF Promotion using AUSKF forms and $100 processing fee to receive approval letter from AUSKF.
If anyone is applying using the new online application system with the link above, please also send AUSKF Promotion ( an email informing us that you have applied for testing in Japan for certain rank in which category (Kendo, Iaido, Jodo). Please remember to attach your current certificate (Menjo) also. We will do our best to help you out, but good, timely, and clear communication is the key to help each other.
Thank you,
AUSKF Promotion and Examination
Note: federation signature is required, so check with your federation for its deadline and procedure